Invincible Summer

by NJG

Monday, July 30, 2012

One of a kind sharpie shirts starring E.T. & Harry P.

I made some one of a kind shirts this morning for my friends Harry & the Potters. The shirts star E.T. and Harry Potter. I decided to make some for other humans, and they are in my Etsy store right now. They are $50, as they are customly drawn just for you. If I end up making a bunch via silk screen I will let you know. xoxo n.g.

Monday, July 23, 2012

I teach comics! Here is a flier.

Hello there! Did you know I teach comics? I do! To children and adults. Here is a flier I made specifically geared towards the young. If you are interested in a workshop or residency, please contact me either directly or through Young Audiences. Thank you!

Click on this a couple of times (or right click "view image", my PC friends) to make it large enough to read.

P.s. Yes that's right I teach using my middle name as a last name! It helps preserve my artistic, real-life privacy.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tell It Like It Tiz! senior zine comes alive on the web!

Hey Hey Hey, did you know that I do a zine with senior citizens called Tell It Like It Tiz?
I do. I have been conducting a Zine Group at a senior center called the Marie Smith Center almost every Friday for the past six years.
To be super specific, I do this sometimes alone, but usually with one or two other volunteers, most notably and regularly Marc Parker.

We sit at a table with several seniors and take notes or draw comics about our conversations, their life histories, advice & reviews, then we publish these conversations (alongside art by the seniors themselves) in Tell It Like It Tiz. The zine has been coming out regularly since 2007. We are currently working on our fourth issue, and hope to publish a book sometime next year.

Anyway, I'm telling you this so that
A) You know
B) You will visit and bookmark our newly minted Tumblr page:

Thank you and good night!