Invincible Summer

by NJG

Friday, September 19, 2014

Advice, Dates, Teaching, Etc.


1. New advice is up at Bitch Media, featuring sloths.

2. I just did a lovely talk, Q&A, and interview at Pacific University in Forest Grove, OR. Thank you, Pacific U!

3. I will be starting comics and zine-publishing residencies with local grade schools this month!

4. I am teaching at California College of the Arts, in the low-residency Comics MFA program.

5. Working on a new calendar.

6. Working on "Fetch: How A Bad Dog Brought Me Home" for Houghton Mifflin.

7. I'll see you at Short Run Comix & Art Festival November 15th.

8. In 2015, I'll be doing talks at The College of William & Mary, New Hampshire Institute of Art, University of New Hampshire, North Eastern Illinois University, and more!!!

9. May 29th I'll be a guest speaker at Vegan Vida Con in Austin Texas.

10. There is a Queers & Comics Conference, May 7–8, 2015 in New York!


SPX Roundup

Hello from beautiful Portland, Oregon!

SPX this year was one of the best shows I've been to.

I was able to attend the Small Press Expo through a generous Professional Development Grant from the Regional Arts & Culture Council.

They helped me pack my suitcase, fly across the country, sell my wares, meet new readers, attend lectures, and meet some of my favorite artists and writers. Thank you, RACC!

All of my non-cartoonist friends kept saying "Where are you going, again?" and I had to explain, "Beautiful Bethesday, Maryland!" where I stayed in the confines of a Marriott and its surrounding Vietnamese restaurant for a solid 60 hours, mere spitting distance of Liz Prince the whole time.

Liz Prince, noted Tomboy, sold out of books on the first day!

The person jumping out of frame created a book of lady cartoonist trading cards!

My dear from and fellow CCS instructor, Jon Chad, author of "The Bad-ventures of Bobo Backslack".