Invincible Summer

by NJG

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Oldies Harass Marc

As you may or may not know, I've been doing a zine workshop with senior citizens for the past four and a half years. We go weekly, and in recent years the most consistent volunteer & closest friend to the seniors has been my friend Marc. The ladies LOVE to give him a hard time. Read on.

Click to enlarge.

OH! By the way! Marc is going to be my new studio-mate!
After four years of working in the closet nook in my home, I'll be packing up and moving in to a historic building on the Willamette River. Photos to come.

We hope to get a new issue of our senior citizen zine, Tell It Like It Tiz', completed before the 2011 Portland Zine Symposium.
Cross your fingers!


1 comment:

Andy said...

I'll be packing up and relocating in to some historic constructing for the Willamette River
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