Invincible Summer

by NJG

Sunday, September 11, 2011

R.I.P. Dylan Williams

Post Revised: 9/14/11

This is a classic Dylan face.

Hi Friends.
I'm sad to say that my friend Dylan Williams passed away yesterday.

I taught with Dylan at the IPRC's Comic Certification Program, where he helped design curriculum, organized workshops, and taught World Comics.
I've been trying to figure out a good way to say that Dylan wanted to be part of this comics program in order to dismantle the comics program. If you knew him, then you know his taste went towards unconventional comics and art. The weirder the better. He didn't want our comics program to suck the weird out of anyone's drawings by teaching them our opinion on "The Right Way" to draw comics.

He leaves a huge hole in our hearts and in our school.
There's no one else quite like him, and we were lucky to have had his influence while we could.

I will keep Dylan's influence with me forever.
I will think of him every time I go to the Paradox Cafe, every time I sit in front of a class at the IPRC , and every time I attend the Portland Zine Symposium.

I don't know what else to say. I've been walking around like a leaden zombie this week, so apparently more places and things remind me of my friend than the three listed above.

We can't fix this, but there are a few things to do in the meantime.
One is to buy something from Sparkplug. This will help Sparkplug live on as much as possible, and could help to support his wife Emily.

The other isn't done yet, but some people are considering starting a foundation to provide support to artists and students in his name. If you're interested in helping with this, you can email me : nicole at nicole j georges dot com.

Wait- there's a third I just thought of- DRAW COMICS. Please make comics! Forget about panels and rulers, be as free as you want to be. I think Dylan would be really happy to know there were more weirdos out there doing sequential art in his honor.

Take care,


I've included some recommended Sparkplug published & distributed titles below.

Find them all by clicking here

1 comment:

Kelly Kilmer said...

Thank you for posting this. Sparkplug is one of our favorites. Dylan was the nicest guy. He will be very much missed.