1. Noted cyclist and local Veloshop owner Molly Cameron just had me design her a fan card in which she is portrayed as a bicycle riding dolphin. Totally weird, also amazing. Thank you!
2. Bitch Magazine let me draw a page about one of my favorite musicians, Betty Davis, for their new Feminist History Comic Section! Take a look in this month's issue of Bitch. I hope I did her justice.
1. I had a root canal yesterday, which was actually very fun because I have a nice dentist and my tooth was in such rough shape that anything was an improvement. Even having a dental dam over my propped-open mouth for an hour. The weirdest part was when curls of smoke came out of my tooth and the dentist and assistant said in unison: "Barbeque!".
In Other News:
2. Our spotted friend Rorschach is having surgery today. Please keep her in your thoughts.
3. The Invincible Summer Calendar is going to the printer at the end of the month and will DEFINITELY feature: 1 unicorn 1 dalmation 1 terrier 1 cheetah 2 cows
These are potential subjects who have applied to be part of this year's calendar: koalas ostrich deer horse-women opossums elephants and orcas
If you order one now, you'll be the first to receive one and find out. It will once again be small and in one color of ink.
4. ISSUE 16 Issue 16 is a split diary comic with Clutch, and came out this year at the Portland Zine Symposium. HOWEVER, being that Clutch and I were the editors, there were typos not only on the first page but also THE COVER, and so back to the drawing board it went, where it is being corrected and then sent to a printer so that we may have a thousand such copies , lovingly bound and printed in a nice color like green or red. If you would like to pre order it, you can email me. Otherwise, sit tight and i'll let you know when it becomes available.
5. MISSING ISSUES Some people have wondered aloud, Where Are Issues 14 and 15 of Invincible Summer? Issue 14, the Sister Spit Diary issue, was never printed as a zine, only in Vol. II of the book. Issue 15 was a split with Clutch last year, but was a short run, as one of the people drawn yelled at me after seeing themself in there. HOWEVER, the sting has faded and we will be printing more soon.
Thanks for sitting through all of this and reading the gross part about the "Barbeque".
See you October 11th when I read with Sister Spit in Portland.
A Large, Resin-ed painting for Holly & Erin. I believe it!
Have i mentioned to you yet that Jenn at Robot Candy does all my resin work? I tell you this so that you may perhaps know about her business of making resin covered coasters, lightswitch plate covers, and magnets.
If you have every looked at the pet portrait portion of my website, or wanted to commission a tattoo or a logo or personal drawing but didn't have all the funds, I want to tell you that there are things I would trade for.
- Coffee (free coffee from a place, or certain kinds of beans) - Pet Sitting - Ad Space (truly depends on the publication) - Photocopies - Dog Food - Human Food - Books - Studio or Retreat Space - Business Cards/ Postcards - Dentistry
Maybe you work somewhere where you get these things for free. Maybe you have your own business and need some design work. Who knows. Usually it ends up that we take the retail value of something and then deduct that from the price of your item. This is how i had a year and a half of free bubble tea from Townshends (shown above). I have also received a Trina CD, dog sitting, buttons, and some produce from deals like these.
Just saying. In Case you have these things and you want to do a swap, email me!
Take a look at THIS. My website has been newly remodeled and made to function by Harlan Mahaffy. You can now request a pet portrait with a simple form, and view many complex html feats right before your very eyes.
Harlan made this website after thousands of emails back and forth, many last minute requests, and- the night before launch- the entire site going down courtesy of my web hosts who speak mainly Romanian. How did he fix it? Learn Romanian on the fly? Not sure, but very impressed.
If you want to get in touch and order some prints from Harlan, or just say "Kudos, Man." you can find him here.
Also, I have an art show up at Half & Half in Portland starting Thursday and running through September. Come and have a look at my wigged horses and sad looking dogs. Everything expensive has an inexpensive archival print counterpart for your wallet.
Nicole J. Georges is an illustrator , zinester, and pet portrait artist located in a neighborhood of geriatrics in Portland, Oregon.
She is currently the fellow at the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, VT.
She is accompanied through life by a Chihuahua/Shiba-inu named Ponyo Georges.
.Nicole's debut graphic novel Calling Dr. Laura is out NOW with Mariner Books.