Invincible Summer

by NJG

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Hairy Maiden, dog photos, Crafty Wonderland photos

Tonight I used the Shark Steam Cleaner I got for my birthday (ahem, check your calendar for that one) at the art studio and let me tell you, it was gleaming after a steaming. I've been there for almost one year, and I'll level with you that though I have swept, I have NEVER mopped the studio.
So now it's clean, and I sat down to use some watercolors, which are apparently my new thing.
I made this Hairy Maiden for my friends at Dovetail Bakery:

Let's see what they think. Here is a plain version for us:

I'll try to have prints of this soon, in case you'd like a
Ms. Hirsute U.S.A. 1922 of your own.

Here is a close-up of my Crafty Wonderland booth. The doilies were a hot ticket item this year.

This is on the last minute of the last day, after a week of working with wild abandon which culminated in fourteen hours of selling. I am wearing an orthopedic mitt.

And lastly, these two jokers who come to work with me, glad to have a nice clean studio floor upon which to set their dog bed.

Good Night!


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johny said...
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