1. I had to take down my advice videos because they conflicted with my day job, which is teaching 5th graders. More details once school is out.
2. My dear Volvo Gandalf was struck by another car and totaled recently. Comic to follow.
2.5 Here is my new car (both images are weird reproductions of my Volvos in toy version)
(i wish it was this color)
3. I saw a 104 year old participant of the "Tell It Like It Tiz" zine today after getting my eyes dilated at the Doctor's Office. If you don't know, Marc Parker, Meg Storey, Diane Gasperin and myself do a zine workshop each week with a senior center and have produced two issues in which we interview the participants, do comics about our adventures, their adventures, and more. You can get it by clicking on the link above (click on the title) and harassing Marc Parker for a copy.
This link is to an article about us from the Oregonian.
4. Teaching some workshops at the Portland Art Museum this summer.
5. Going to Europe with Sister Spit in November!
6. Only 30 pages left to draw of my graphic novel (knock on wood knock on wood knock on wood).

6.5. HARLAN is helping me with scanning and advanced photoshop/indesign tomfoolery.

7. I was in the Oregonian Newspaper this week as they checked in on some stories from years past. Please note: I do not live near Mississippi Street.
8. Look for me in the anthology comic Dope Flounder, which will appear on Free Comic Book Day in selected establishments for FREE! It will also feature these dudes:
David Wein
Tom Lechner
Sean Christensen
Ian Sundahl
Jesse Reklaw
and will be published by Sparkplug and Tugboat Press (together!).
9. I found out that Wishbone came to me knowing how to shake. I was trying fruitlessly to get Beija to shake hands by grabbing her paw and saying "Shake!" and giving her a treat, when Wishbone stepped in and basically said "you mean like this?" and offered her hand (paw). No Joke! What other secrets does she hold?
10. No Pet Portraits until after May. I'm booked up.